Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 7--11 The Seasons Change

Revival in Britain and the Colonies; A War for Independence in the Colonies; Revolution in France

General Washington after the Victory at Yorktown, 1783

The French Revolution, 1789 and following

Putting Jane Austen to the Test:  A Thesis Assignment for Pride and Prejudice
A Short Quiz Upon Some Aspect of Pride and Prejudice
Student Reports on 18th Century History

Locating a Thesis for Pride and Prejudice
A Short Quiz Upon Some Aspect of the Leithart Essay Excerpt
18th Century History--At a Glance and on a Screen

Sharpening the Thesis for Pride and Prejudice
Voltaire and Candide
Did the Enlightenment "cause" the French Revolution
18th Century History--At a Glance and on a Screen

Planning An Introductory Paragraph
Victor Hugo and Les Miserables
Timelines and Sidelights of the Late 18th Century and Early 19th Century
18th Century History--At a Glance and on a Screen

From Voltaire to Hugo
What Causes Revolutions?
18th Century Test

Readings, Writings, and Rithmetic
Candide is to be finished this week.
Poets of the 18th Century Project is to be finished this week.
Introductory Paragraph to Pride and Prejudice is due Friday
Attack Les Miserables--read over the break, read in Greece and Italy, read by candlelight or morning sun.

"Soon we shall know everything the 18th century didn't know, and nothing it did, and it will be hard to live with us."
Randall Jarrell

"Let us not turn to the eighteenth century in order to copy the institutions she fashioned for herself but in order that we may better understand what suits us. Let us look there for instruction rather than models. Let us adopt the principles rather than the details."
Neil Postman, Building a Bridge to the 18th Century

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