Sunday, November 28, 2010

England Under the Tudor Monarchs


1455  Wars of the Roses between the House of Lancaster and House of York
1485  Henry Tudor, of the House of Lancaster, defeats Richard III, of the House of York, and ends the War of the Roses
1485—1509  Reign of Henry VII

1509  Henry VIII becomes King

1515 Thomas Wolsey named Archbishop of Canterbury
1526 William Tyndale’s English New Testament reaches England
1527  Archbishop Wolsey petitions Pope Clement VII for an annulment of Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon
1529  Wolsey dismissed by Henry
1529  Parliament summoned by Henry to formalize the establishment of the Catholic Church of England
1535 Sir Thomas More, author of Utopia, executed
1547 Young Edward VI becomes King

1553  Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) becomes Queen following the death of King Edward VI.  300 English Protestants are martyred and 800 flee to the continent.

1558—1603  Reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England.  The Elizabethan Compromise

1588 The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
1603  James VI of Scotland (son of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, and cousin of Elizabeth I) becomes James I of England

Friday, November 19, 2010

Week 13 November 29--December 3

Reformation Comes to the British Isles:
God's Providence, Henry VIII's Quest for an Heir


Readings for the Week: 
  1. From Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion:  Read approximately the first 12 pages of Book I  (Chapters 1--4), the first 10 pages of Book II (Chapter 1), and Book IV, Chapter 20, "Of Civil Government.
  2. Begin John Milton's Paradise Lost:  Read Books 1--3.  Also, read selected poems by Milton.
  3. From Douglas Kelly's The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World: The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th Through the 18th Centuries:  Read Introduction and Chapter 4 "Calvinism in England: The Puritan Struggle and Its Results."
  4. Be reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for fun. (Failure to read it for fun will result in a flogging and a zero.)

  •        Surveying the landscape of Calvin, The Institutes, Calvinism, and the Reformation
  •        Introduction to "The Reformation in England" with a Timeline of Key Events and People
  •         Film:  "A Man for All Seasons"
  •         The Wives and Wiles of King Henry VIII 
  •          Meet John Milton and begin in-class close readings from Paradise Lost
  •           Continue Watching "A Man for All Seasons"
  •  Reformation under Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, and the Men of the White Horse Tavern
  •   Studies from Paradise Lost:  Books 1 & 2
  •    Documentary Film:  "Burning Convictions" with Simon Schama

  •            Edward VI, Mary (a.k.a. Bloody Mary), & Good Queen Bess
  •            Studies from Paradise Lost:  Books 2 & 3
  •            Continue Documentary Film
  • The Golden Age of England--The Age of Queen Elizabeth
  • Poets of the Age:  Shakespeare, Marlowe, Ben Johnson, & Others
  • Finish Documentary



Taken from the Web

The following quote is from the homilies established as standard sermons during the English Reformation.  The homily is called, A Short Declaration of the True, Lively and Christian Faith.
First, the quote from the original:
Such is the true faith, that the Scripture doeth so much commend, the which when it seeth and considereth what GOD hath done for vs, is also mooued through continuall assistance of the Spirit of GOD, to serue and please him, to keepe his fauour, to feare his displeasure, to continue his obedient children, shewing thankefulnesse againe by obseruing or keeping his commandements, and that freely, for true loue chiefly, and not for dread of punishment, or loue of temporall reward, considering how cleerely, without deseruings wee haue receiued his mercy and pardon freely.
And now a transliteration into modern spelling:
Such is the true faith, that the Scripture doth so much commend, the which when it seeth and considereth what God hath done for us, is also moved through continual assistance of the Spirit of God, to serve and please him, to keep his favor, to fear his displeasure, to continue his obedient children, showing thankfulness again by observing or keeping his commandments, and that freely, for true love chiefly, and not for dread of punishment, or love of temporal reward, considering how clearly, without deservings we have received his mercy and pardon freely.
Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost;
    Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 12: November 15--19


the theologian/Bible scholar's essential library

Monday:  John Calvin, The Institutes on the topic of prayer, and Geneva during the Reformation

Homework:  Read--carefully--chapter 7 of Justo Gonzalez, "John Calvin.," pages 61-69.
And continue reading from The Institutes.

Tuesday:  John Calvin, The Institutes (more on the topic of prayer), and Geneva as a center of Reformation

Homework:  Continue reading about prayer from The Institutes.

Wednesday:  The Institutes on prayer;
The Five Centuries of Calvinism.

Homework:  FINISH reading Book 3, Chapter 20 (Bk. III, Ch. XX)

Thursday & Friday:  Guest Lecturer: Pastor Martin Rizley from Texarkana Reformed Baptist Church

If time permits:  An introduction into Reformation in England.

It was not from Greece or Rome that the regeneration of human life came forth; that mighty metamorphosis dates from Bethlehem and Golgotha; and if the Reformation, in a still more special sense, claims the love of our hearts, it is because it has dispelled the clouds of sacerdotalism, and has unveiled again to fullest view the glories of the Cross.
Abraham Kuyper,  Lectures on Calvinism

Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 11: November 8--12

Reformation Spreads Through Europe

John Calvin and the Reformation in Geneva

Monday:          Book Exchange:
Turn in Bondage of the Will; pick up Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Turn in Schaeffer, Bradford, Dickens, and Veith.

Notes:  The Reformation
Survey Western Civilization, Chapter 13, "Reformation and Religious Warfare                                      in the 16th Century"

Introducing John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, & Calvinism

Tuesday:  Luther: A Test Over the Obvious
Survey Work on Western Civilization, Chapter 13. Pages 347--352.

Assign and begin Calvin's "Prefatory Address" to King Francis I

Survey Work on Western Civilization, Chapter 13. Pages 352-356.

Discussion of Calvin's "Prefatory Address"
Assignment of Calvin's Epistles to the Reader and Method and Arrangement of the Whole Work.
Assignment of Book III, Chapter XX, pages 143-201, "Of Prayer"

Complete Survey Work on Western Civilizations, Chapter 13. Pages 356-366.

Discussion of Calvin, Doctrine, Prayer, Geneva, etc.

Test over Western Civilizations, Chapter 13.

Continued Discussion of Calvin, Geneva, and Prayer

Readings, Writings, & Musings:
Western Civilizations, Chapter 13.
Selections from The Institutes of the Christian Religion
Journal Entries on Your Readings

  • The historian Froude said, “Calvinism has produced characters nobler and grander than any which republican Rome ever produced.
  • The historian Merle D’Aubigne said, “Wherever Calvinism was established, it brought with it not only truth but liberty, and with all the great developments which these two fertile principles carry with them.”
  •  The historian Motley said, “To the Calvinists more than to any other class of men, the political liberties of Holland, England, and America are due.”
  •  The Frenchman Guizot said, “Calvin’s Institutes, in spite of its imperfections, is, on the whole, one of the noblest edifices ever erected by the mind of man, and one of the mightiest codes of moral law which ever guided him.”
  •  The historian John Fiske said, “The promulgation of Calvin’s theology was one of the longest steps that mankind has taken toward personal freedom.”
  •  The historian George Bancroft said, “They (Calvinistic doctrines) infused enduring elements into the institutions of Geneva, and made it for the modern world, the impregnable fortress of popular liberty—the fertile seed-plot of Democracy.”[1]
  • Bancroft also said, "He that will not honor the memory, and respect the influence of Calvin, knows but little of the origin of American independence."

[1] Quotes all taken from The New Dictionary of Thoughts, 73.